Guten Tag! Jon Phillips MinneapolisLet me introduce myself. I’m Jon.I’ve been working with computers since I was a kid. I won a computer award in seventh grade and my mother still brags about it. I enjoy troubleshooting problems and working with code. I groove on challenges, learning new software rapidly and expertly. I like to keep up with politics and technology. Jon Phillips Minneapolis I’m savvy with Java, Oracle EBS, PHP, MySQL, Photoshop, Illustrator, and cloud integration. Of course, Microsoft Office as well. Oracle databases, troubleshooting, upgrades, Financials and Manufacturing have been my entire life for 20 years. I am extremely knowledgeable in Oracle, any version. Hobbies:
My favorite Web sites are: If you need help with advanced system administration, networking, security, or computer troubleshooting, in other words, a one-man geek squad. Kraut Companies |